blog vs FB

FB, slalu menggoda u menuliskan yg tdk sharusnya d sana. Hellooo.. Itu kan area umum sekali, we’re not supossed to write privat things there. Banyak skali teman yg kmdn mnjadikannya ajang curhat, trutama kawan2 usia muda. Beberapa kali jg trpeleset u curhat disana.
Kemudian tersadar, God, what been I’ve done.. Fuuhhh
Dulu slalu pake buku diary u curhat, skrg mgkn dah gak jaman.
Still better curhat di blog. Coz dengan tema2 yg gak umum jarang skali ad yg buka blog qta yg one in a million.
Hehe wish this blog keep hiding from anyone eye, kalopun ad yg baca ga kenal2 amat kalee, n klopun ada yg kenal at least tdk akan sbanyak mata yg menatap spt d FB


Keizza si gigi besar-besar
Liat deh giginya dah sbesar ini masih suka nyenyen mama.
3 bln lg 2 tahun usia kei, hrs stop ya nak nyenyenny

numpang lewat

Kdang brfikir, kasihannya papanya kei. Berangkat subuh pulang di ujung maghrib. Setiap hari.


uncreative, plagiat lagu buat curhat

There are times when I believe in you
these moments when I feel close to you
there are times I think that I am yours
though many times I feel unsure

There’s something you don’t understand
I want to be your woman

Nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you’ll let me in

I’m at your feet
waiting for you
I’ve got time and nothing to lose

I’ll always be around you
keep an eye on you
cos my patience is strong
and I won’t let you run
cos you are the only one
(Nothing 2 lose, mltr, fav song 4 meratap2 ga jelas di masa sma~till now?~)

Well I wonder could it be
When I was dreaming ’bout you baby
You were dreaming of me
Call me crazy, call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do?
I do, you know I really really do
(D day u went away, m2m)

Ffhhhh.. Ga jelas memang smuanya, pentingkah?? Smoga disisa usia ini lebih berkah, menjalani dan berlaku yg terbaik, hati kok lembek,